Helper FAQS

All your questions answered...

How It Works

When and how do I get paid on Juggle Street?add_circle_outline
Do Juggle Street take a percentage of my earnings?add_circle_outline
How much do Helper subscriptions cost?add_circle_outline
What is needed for a helper profile?add_circle_outline
How do I get started?add_circle_outline
Why is Guardian Approval required for carers aged under 18?add_circle_outline
How much do helpers get paid on Juggle Street?add_circle_outline
Why are Ratings & Reviews used?add_circle_outline
Do I list my qualifications?add_circle_outline
Are there rules and expectations of helpers?add_circle_outline
How do Ratings & Reviews work?add_circle_outline
What is Juggle Street?add_circle_outline


Can I cancel my subscription?add_circle_outline
What do I get in my helper subscription?add_circle_outline
Is it free if I am under 18 years old?add_circle_outline
Do I need to pay when I create an account?add_circle_outline
When and how do I get paid on Juggle Street?add_circle_outline
Do Juggle Street take a percentage of my earnings?add_circle_outline
How much do Helper subscriptions cost?add_circle_outline
How much do helpers get paid on Juggle Street?add_circle_outline

Au Pair Jobs

When and how do I get paid on Juggle Street?add_circle_outline
Do Juggle Street take a percentage of my earnings?add_circle_outline
How much do Helper subscriptions cost?add_circle_outline
Are there rules and expectations of helpers?add_circle_outline
What is Juggle Street?add_circle_outline